

— 英國求職市場觀察和給求職者們的建議

How to find a UIUX job in London?


This article discusses how to find a UI/UX job as a foreigner in London with suggestions from HR senior designers and managers.

英國皇家藝術學院(RCA) 學習經驗分享 –


What I Learned at Royal College of Art, the Best Design School of the World


“This is not a school that is suitable for everyone. RCA’s teaching goal is not to help you find a job; it is to give you space and resources during your master’s degree to find your own goals as a designer. 

Chat GPT可以如何幫助創作者進行品牌經營?

How can ChatGPT help content creators manage their brands?

生成式人工智慧浪潮襲來,Chat GPT更可以成為創作者在品牌經營、公司獲利、粉絲互動上的得力助手。本文將提供四個方向及使用指南。

The ChatGPT chatbot by OpenAI is taking the world by storm. How can content creators utilize this tool to help them manage their brands?


Positioning, project management and software-hardware integration in graduation project


In this article, I share the experience of managing a graduation design project and how to cooperate and communicate with engineers, who help us to build the prototype.


4 steps to use Notion for project management


In this article, I share how to manage a project schedule through Notion to better cooperate with your partners.